Proposing a Model for Opening Iran's Defense Innovation System

Document Type : Original Article


1 University of Tehran

2 Allameh Tabataba’i University

3 Tehran of University


The evolution of innovation management and sectoral innovation systems literature shows a tremendous paradigm shift in the innovation context from closed innovation to an open one. Defense innovation context points to the need for taking an open approach toward the creation, development and diffusion of innovation as well. In this study, we propose a model for opening Iran's defense innovation system for the first time. By reviewing the literature and conducting exploratory interviews with experts, the dimensions and elements of the model are extracted. An initial 7 Likert-scale questionnaire is designed, and then its internal consistency is confirmed by the help of 30 experts and also by computing Cronbach's alpha. The developed questionnaire is answered by 245 defense innovation experts and the model dimensions and elements are confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling using LISREL software. The results show that for opening the defense innovation system, we have to take the following actions respectively: making the behavior of  main innovation players more open, taking a more open approach toward strategy making process, activating mediator actors in the section, and eventually designing and implementing more open interaction and relationship process between defense and non-defense innovation actors.


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