Enhancing New Product Development Success Based on Open Innovation Approach: A Case Study of a Research Organization

Document Type : Original Article


1 Malek Ashtar University of Technology

2 University of Tehran

3 Allameh Tabataba’i University


The literature of innovation, innovation management, open innovation at firm level, tremendous changes in firm's environment and firm's tough competitive situation points to the need for taking an open approach to maximizing firms' value-added by combining firms internal and external capabilities. In this study, we propose some essential principles for opening Iran's defense firms' innovation process. By reviewing the literature, 21 principles for improving firms' innovation are extracted, and then increased to 25 principles by conducting exploratory interviews with related experts. After that, an initial questionnaire is designed, and its internal consistency is confirmed by the contribution of 50 experts and by computing the Cronbach's alpha. Its validity is also confirmed by the experts' views. The extracted principles are clustered by principal component analysis (PCA), factor loading with eigenvalue>1, and varimax matrix with absolute value of factor loading >0.6. The final questionnaire is designed by Likert-scale and answered by 245 defense innovation experts, and analyzed by LISREL software. The results show that defense firms must design and implement an open integrated process firstly, then implement the associated infrastructure systems with open approach for supporting this innovation process. Creating suitable organizational context is in the third priority because of its time-consuming nature.


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