Manuscript Submission Guidelines

Mandatory description for writing the article: Click to download the pdf file.

Important Notes:

1) In addition to mentioning the sources in the text of the manuscript (according to the instructions of the PDF file above), for the final acceptance of the manuscript, Persian sources must be translated into English. After translating the sources into English, all the sources (including previous English sources and newly translated sources) should be uploaded in the system in the form of a "separate file" in alphabetical order. When submitting a new manuscript, this file must be uploaded in the "Add files" section along with other required files of the manuscript.

In the case of journal articles, to translate the source, you can use the English page of the publication in which the article was published.

At the end of each source, insert the words [In Persian]. For example:

Mehregan M., 2012. Data Envelopment Analysis Quantitative Models in Organizational Performance Evaluation. Tehran: Ketab-e-daneshgahi [In Persian].

2) When registering a user account and entering the authors' details, be careful in completing the information and matching it with the uploaded files. Because when the article is published, information is recalled from this section and any error leads to page layout problems and incurs additional costs in publishing the article; Despite the fact that the process of publishing an article in this journal is free, the cost of correcting the mentioned items will be charged from the authors.