Modeling the Formation of Technological Innovation System in Iran's Biotechnology Sector Using Structural Equation Modeling

Document Type : Original Article


1 University of Tehran

2 Allameh tabataba'i University


The main objective of this study is to provide a model for the formation of emerging technological innovation system in Iran's biotechnology sector. In this study which uses qualitative and quantitative methods, the historical development of the formation of this sector is analyzed, taking the functional approach of Technological Innovation System (TIS) concept. Using historical data mapping, the evolution of different functions and activities is charted in this paper. By conducting factor analysis and structural equation modeling on 103 questionnaires, the functions and activities of the conceptual model are confirmed and the causal relationships between different functions are mapped. Based on the results, 7 functions and several activities are identified for the formation of emerging technological innovation systems in Iran. The results indicate that the government has a key role through influencing the functions, such as directing research and innovation, institutionalization and legalization. Therefore, the government's functions and activities are the main drivers of the formation and development of these sectors in Iran, and also simultaneous development of knowledge and market capacities facilitate the process.


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