Value stream mapping network for localized Search engine business ecosystem actors based on stakeholder's analysis

Document Type : Original Article


1 faculty member of science policy department, National Research for Science Policy (NRISP), Tehran, Iran

2 Faculty Member of the Institute of Information and Communication Technology

3 Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Faculty of management, University of Tehran


According to studies, the driving forces of emerging technology-based business ecosystem are the precise explanation of the types of actors' roles and how they relate to each other. Accordingly, the purpose of this article is to identify the actors, their classification factors, and how they relate to business ecosystem. The type of research was applied –research and the method of its implementation was survey. The method of sampling is non-random and purposeful. In this article, the research strategy has been a case study, the analysis unit of business ecosystem was actors and data collection tools had been selected questionnaires and in-depth interviews and the study of credible scientific documents. Systematic review has been used to extract the framework for analyzing the network of search engine actors. After extracting the initial framework, the components of the framework were approved using the opinion of experts in this field. The value-flow network based on four value streams including information, services, financial and intangible. The findings: 1)provide a framework for entering the ecosystem analysis based on stakeholder analysis, 2)identify the actors of ecosystems in four layers, and 3)map the value network between the actors and the four value streams. The framework can be a model for identifying stablishing value communication for other similar items such as IOT, big data and cloud computing.


Main Subjects

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