Sociological Paradigms and Organizational Analysis: The Elements of Corporate Life Sociology

Document Type : Original Article


Payamenoor University


The present study is an interdisciplinary survey to identify the sociological basis of aviation technologies based on four well-known sociological paradigms: functionalism, interpretivism, humanism and structuralism. First, the main technologies of aviation industry are listed with a preliminary introduction to sociological paradigms. The main idea of the present study is to propose a conceptual framework for the classification and interpretation of aviation industry technologies philosophically, sociologically and technologically on the basis of a matrix created by integrating technological criteria in Perrow's typology with that of Burrell and Morgan's sociological paradigms. Based on the results of a questionnaire with a sample of 15 experts, aviation technologies location in each matrix is identified and finally four sets of technologies determined: functional technologies, interpretive technologies, humanistic technologies and structural technologies. At the end, some suggestions are proposed. 


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