Enhancing New Product Development Success Based on Open Innovation Approach: A Case Study of a Research Organization

Document Type : Original Article


Malekashtar University of Technology


The advent of open innovation in innovation management workplace implies that organizations need to develop their cooperation with external partners as well as internal R&D to ensure successful new product development. Thus, this paper tries to examine the effect of developing open innovation approach on new product development success in an R&D organization. To do so, we develop a conceptual model and research hypotheses by reviewing the literature of open innovation and product development success. Then, for measuring open innovation dimensions and new product development success, we develop a questionnaire and distribute it among the target population. The research hypotheses are verified by correlation and regression statistical tests. In the organization under study, correlation analysis supports positive and significant relationship between all dimensions of open innovation and new product development success. Furthermore, regression analysis results indicate that among the open innovation initiatives, internal exploration and internal exploitation have positive and significant effects on new product development success. At the end, some practical implications are presented for innovation management practitioners to develop open innovation in the case study organization by increasing external practices of innovation, and some suggestions are proposed for future research to fill this research gaps.


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