The Effects of Psychological Capital on Organizational Performance with an Emphasis on the Mediatory Role of Innovation in Information Technology: A Case Study of the Branches of Agriculture Bank in Tehran

Document Type : Original Article


University of Tehran  


In the past two decades, organizational performance has become one of the most attractive topics of interest, resulting in various innovations in research and applied fields. This paper seeks to investigate the effects of psychological capital on organizational performance, focusing on the mediating role of innovation in information technology among the branches of Agriculture bank in Tehran, Iran. This study is empirical with descriptive-correlative methodology. The research population includes 135 managers and employees working for Agriculture bank in Tehran. A sample of 100 is selected from them for the experiment, using Kerjeici and Morgan table and random sampling. Data gathering tool in this study is a standard questionnaire, while structural equation modeling (SEM) and SmartPLS 2 software are used for data analysis. The results show that innovation in IT mediates the relationship between psychological capital and organizational performance, and there is a significant and positive relationship between psychological capital and innovation in IT. At the end, some suggestions are made to increase innovation in IT and to improve organizational performance.


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