Strengthening Relationships in Science and Technology Collaborative Networks during four years Case study: Nanotechnology Laboratory Network

Document Type : Original Article


1 Researcher at Research Institute of Technology Studies, Tehran, Iran.

2 Faculty of Technology Studies Institute, Tehran, Iran

3 Faculty of Technology Studies Institute, Tehran, Iran.

4 Faculty of National Research Institute for Science Policy, Tehran, Iran.


According to several studies, one of the factors that can lead to the sustainability of a collaborative network and its evolution over time is the strengthening of relationships between network members. The study of nanotechnology laboratory network as a network with a history of cooperation in the field of science and technology in Iran during 1394-1398 using social network analysis shows the increase in the sustainability of this network in terms of relationships between network members. Therefore, this study seeks to identify important factors affecting the sustainability of collaborative networks. The status of the network in the years leading to 1394 and 1398 compared using social network analysis in seven areas of cooperation to achieve this goal. The factors affecting the strengthening of relationships between network members were identified from the social capital view and prioritized using the TOPSIS method to identify the reasons for this improvement. The obtained results show that to strengthen relationships between members of nanotechnology laboratory network, factors of programs and policies of network management, network evolution, the experience of previous relationships with other network members, programs and policies of network members, and network membership duration, respectively, are in the highest priority.


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