Presenting a Framework for Describing the Technological Transitions Based on the Multilevel Analysis Approach (Case Study: The Transition to Renewable Energy in Iran)

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student Scientific Policy Research Center, Tehran, Iran

2 Faculty of national Research Institute for Science Policy, Tehran, Iran

3 Expert, Strategic Assessment and Control, MAPNA Group, Tehran, Iran

4 Faculty member of research institute for science and technology


It is necessary to take new and acceptable policies to develop renewable energy sources and finitude of fossil fuels in Iran. To do so, it is vital to identify and address technological changes. Also, to take advantage from concepts of technological transition literature, we understood that by changing only the technology it is not possible to change technological transition, but it needs some changes in society, acts, industry and economy. The synchronously analysis of all these changes in a social context is called technological transition. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the type of changes before any policymaking in order to take adequate policies for making transition path. Typology of changes is called paths of technological transition. In current research authors tried to identify and investigate the paths of technological transition by assessing the factors for allocating paths. The results indicate that in 4 stages of renewable energy transition in Iran, the transition path in stage 2 and stage 3 are in type of layering while in stage 4 it is changing from layering type to replacing technological path.


Main Subjects



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