A Decision-Making Model for Hi-Tech Organizational Buyers: SAIRAN's Patient's Heart Monitor

Document Type : Original Article


1 Malekashtar University of Technology

2 University of Science and Culture


Why do customers prefer one product/brand to others? Which elements make one product more attractive than others? Nowadays, with the growth of markets, customers are growing too and understanding their behavior becomes accordingly more complicated than ever. "Customer behavior" is one of the most important issues for any marketer in SAIRAN organization to the extent that many decision-makings in the organization depend heavily on that. Hi-tech markets have special environmental characteristics, such as market/technology and competitive uncertainty, which differentiate them from low-tech markets; however, B2B and B2C marketing have many differences. One of the major objectives of this paper is to explore critical factors affecting the decision-making of hi-tech organizational buyers. Focusing on "Patient's Heart Monitor" as a hi-tech product in SAIRAN Company, we propose a new applicable model for the company marketing management. In this study, the "grounded theory method" is used, which is the best approach to find an applicable and useful model for B2B buying behavior in high-tech products. Finally, we compare this model with one of the latest models — i.e. Manabery & Tina's model — to reveal its strengths and weaknesses.


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