Semantic Measures for Araye Innovation Platform, Derived from Usage-based Linguistics

Document Type : Original Article


1 EE & CE complex, Malek Ashtar University, Tehran, Iran

2 EE & CE Complex, Malek Ashtar University, Tehran, Iran


Meaningful innovations in Araye platform, require the measurement of various semantic qualities in different computational points. The focus of Araye theory on semantic computations in realization of operational intentions paves the way for leveraging semantic measurement ideas from the field of natural language processing for development of new semantic measures for Araye theory.

Remarkable semantic computation ideas have been proposed in usage-based linguistics throughout recent years. In this paper, we combine basic ideas and methods of measure theory with usage-based linguistic ideas to generate a set of semantic measures for analysis of meaningful collective operations in Araye theory. For that, we first generate a set of basic semantic/linguistic measures as a first measurement layer and then develop more sophisticated semantic measures of “Agency” and “Interoperability” upon them.


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