A Model of Decision-Making for New Venture Creation: A Grounded Theory Approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 University of Tehran

2 Farhangiaan University


The decision-making process of entrepreneurs is not appropriately explicable by means of teleological approach. Through a non-teleological approach and employing a grounded theory research design, this study aims to explore a process of new venture creation decision-making in a sample of nascent entrepreneurs in Iranian high-tech businesses. The data collection is conducted through qualitative event-based interviews with 20 nascent entrepreneurs of the research theoretical sample. The analysis of the gathered data is done by three integrated procedures of open, axial and selective coding. The results determine six categories as the constituent elements of the studied process. These categories are "entrepreneur’s characteristics and background", "specific contextual conditions", "general contextual conditions", "entrepreneurial orientation and competency", "identification, evaluation and empowerment" and "venture creation decision". Propositions concerning the relationships between the categories lead to the development of a model of new venture creation decision-making in the sample. Moreover, the studied process is explained by the story line of the substantive grounded theory.


Main Subjects

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