Classification of Demand-based Innovation Policy Tools Using Meta-synthesis Approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty Of Management, University of Tehran

2 Faculty member of Management, University of Tehran

3 Technology Studies Institute


Demand-driven innovation policy is a relatively new field of study in the science and technology policy that researchers have less attention but has been a growing issue recently. Demand-driven innovation policy is a set of public measures to boost demand for innovation, improvement of the conditions for perception of innovation or improvement of demand articulation in order to encourage and disseminate innovation. This paper seeks to provide a new classification of policy tools introduced in the related studies by using of meta-synthesis method. So, 252 articles have been found from official academic sites and have been investigated according to meta-synthesis method which 105 articles have been selected to be analysed. Analyses of articles and the meta-synthesis results indicate that the innovation demand-side stimulation tools can be categorized in three main categories from the perspective that which applicant is concerned. These three categories are: policies that stimulate the government demand (B2G), policies that stimulate the private demand (B2C), and policies that stimulate the large businesses demand (B2B). The analysis of this study shows that in the first category, the quantity of the articles and introduced tools is relatively very high. Also in the third category fewer studies have been carried out in which practical and detailed tools have not been presented. So there is a research gap in third category that needs to be investigated more by researchers.


Main Subjects

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