Presenting a Framework of Organization Design in Technology-based International Strategic Alliances

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Management, University of Tehran

2 Full Professor, Department of Business Management, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran


Strategic alliances have gained considerable attention, both among strategic management researches and across managerial decisions in business companies. Despite of this popularity, the failure rate of strategic alliances is high and theoretical literature has being sought the reason in governance mechanism and organizational design of alliances. With considering the importance of this issue and theoretical gap about it, current research devoted to the requirements and specifications of the structure of technology-based international strategic alliances. Findings from this multiple case study research are distinguished three designs and theirs requirements for effective application: parliamentary, technocratic and committee. In high vertical centralization-low horizontal centralization situation, the parliamentary form has most effectiveness; and in low vertical centralization-high horizontal centralization, the technocratic form is best suited. These forms are on a spectrum in which, any points between extremes, is a favourable place for applying of committee-based structure.


Main Subjects

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