Exploring the Goals and Enablers of Participating in the Platform Ecosystem from the Supply-Side Innovators’ Perspective in Software Industry: Small Companies in Tehran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Information Technology Management, Science and Research branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Corporate Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran

3 Department of Information Technology Management, Science and Research branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


Supply-side innovators play an important role in the success of a platform and in increasing the number of its users. This paper takes on the perspective of the innovators and looks the goals they have in mind when participating in the platform ecosystem and the factors that enable this participation. This research is comprised of small Iranian companies in the software industry. This paper uses a qualitative approach and utilizes a multiple case study method. Data is collectd using 42 semi-structured interviews with 26 small companies that develop Android/ IOS- based applications. Secondary information, including news and interviews published in web concerning the innovation of the companies, is utilized as well, in order to supplement the interviews. The collected data is analyzed based on the qualitative content analysis method in the open coding and axial coding stages. The findings indicate that, the supply-side innovators’ goals in platform ecosystem participation, are as follows:, customer access, customer accountability, business expansion,credit increase, cost savings, and focus on innovation. Resource sharing, platform leadership, rules and regulations competency, maturity of investors and business partners are also, from the innovators' perspective, identified as the main factors that enable the participation.


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